Our values & partners

Our labels and our values :
Vacations for all in the heart of a natural environment to preserve

The environment is at the heart of our concerns, which is why we have always been committed to nature conservation. We want to allow as many people as possible to enjoy the treasures of the mountains, while limiting our impact as much as possible.

Tourism & Handicap Label
Access all our services independently!
Optimal accessibility of the campsite and all services: reception office, grocery store, snack bar, swimming pool, Fitpark, 3 adapted chalets…
Winter: the paths of the campsite may be impassable for wheelchairs when the site is snowed in.

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Camping Qualité, the quality label for campsites in France
Camping Qualité is the only official quality approach in France.
On the basis of a unique quality charter recognized by the professionals, the Tourism Institutions and the French Federation of Campers, Caravanners and Motor Home Owners.
Following an audit (carried out every 5 years) by a mystery shopper on the campsite, successful establishments commit to continue to respect more than 700 criteria based on 5 major themes:
– The warm welcome
– The impeccable cleanliness
– True and accurate information
– The private and well cared for location
– The environment is valued and respected.

The Quality Tourism™brand
It is the only state mark awarded to tourism professionals for the quality of their reception and services.
Because it addresses the entire tourist reception chain, Qualité Tourisme™ accompanies you throughout your stay: accommodation, restaurants, places to visit, sports and leisure activities, tourist offices… You can program your vacations with complete peace of mind.
Whether they are recognized or unusual destinations, large groups with an international reputation or small independent establishments, they all join forces with Qualité Tourisme™ in order to provide you with a welcome of excellence: nearly 5,500 establishments are thus labeled Qualité Tourisme™.

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Regional Natural Park Values” brand
The national brand “Valeurs Parc Naturel Régional” distinguishes companies committed to the sustainable economic development of their territories. The brand promotes the activities and products of the Regional Nature Parks and encourages sustainable economic development in their territories. It is awarded to companies that share the following 3 values with the Park: attachment to the territory, preservation of the environment and human values

Green Key” label
The criteria of the label The “Green Key” policy requires respect for nature and people, in particular by controlling water and energy consumption, by environmental management of waste, by leisure activities that do not harm nature and by promoting the territory’s natural assets and actors.

Label “Accueil Vélo” is a national brand that guarantees quality welcome and services along cycle routes for roaming cyclists.
Accueil Vélo is the guarantee for the cyclist of an establishment:
Located less than 5 km from a bike route
With equipment suitable for cyclists: secure bike shelter, repair kit
With a warm welcome (practical information, advice, itineraries, weather etc…)
Which provides services dedicated to travelers by bike: reduced rate on the pitch, secure bike room at night, washing and drying machines (fee) in the common toilets…